Dr. Joseph Mercola has compiled a list of 10 foods in the form of an infographic, many of which are banned in other countries, that every American should stop eating. You add these to your list of foods to avoid like the plague.

A statement from his website sums it up best,

There is little doubt that in terms of quality, much of the food sold in the United States lags behind those sold in other nations. In fact, what you are eating now may ALREADY be banned in other countries because of harmful additives, growth promoters, genetically engineered ingredients, or other dangerous practices.

The overall level of health in the country is deteriorating, faring lower than other industrialized countries even in the face of greater healthcare spending. You can’t help but see a connection between these toxic foods and the rising rates of disease. from now on.

It’s eye opening to ponder the fact that so many foods we eat are banned in other countries. It’s also noteworthy to mention , since we are talking about food, that Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and the pesticides commonly spared on our food are also banned in several other countries, but that’s a topic for another article.


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Please share foods to avoid like the plague!
