I’m so incredibly frustrated right now with companies, labeling, government agencies and the general public in regards to allowing known toxins to end up in just about everything we use. Where it just went totally south for me is that even those companies out there promoting themselves as based on toxin free principles are failing miserably.

Here’s a very shocking discovery I made today while researching companies we can trust to provide us with products you don’t have to read the labels on. I thought that Seventh Generation whose mission statement is: To inspire a consumer revolution that nurtures the health of the next seven generationswould be one of those companies. They list all the ways they are lobbying for toxin free products and a greener, safer world for our future generations but when I put in a list of their products into EWG product safety guide quite a few of their products don’t pass the toxicity test! While launching a huge PR campaign with cute little kids wearing super hero capes and masks with the slogan “Join the Toxin Freedom Fighters” all the while producing products that don’t come close to making the grade. Where has the idea of social conscience and integrity gone?

Seventh Generation Automatic Dishwashing Gel, Lemon.

When I put this product into the EWG Product Safety rating system it received an F. This is on a scale of A – F (A being best and F basically failing the toxicity test).

Ingredient Health, Environment, and Disclosure Concerns

SODIUM BORATE High Concern: developmental/endocrine/reproductive effects; Some Concern: skin irritation/allergies/damage, respiratory effects (EWG Score F)

METHYLISOTHIAZOLINONE High Concern: acute aquatic toxicity; Some Concern: skin irritation/allergies/damage (EWG Score D)

Seventh Generation Natural 2X Concentrated Liquid Laundry Detergent, Free & Clear (EWG Score D)

And most of the seventh generation all natural, supposed to be good for you and high priced cleaning products receive a EWG Score of D.

I subscribed to Seventh Generation’s updates and on the bottom of the welcome email there was this little VERY DISTURBING footnote:

All Seventh Generation products are not acutely toxic and are free of chronic toxicants; these and all other product benefits are clearly promoted to our consumers.

Sorry, but what the heck does NOT ACUTELY TOXIC mean?

After coming to this realization that even those out there trying to be better and healthier are really just about selling more product. I have decided that we must all be called to make our own EVERYTHING from stuff we grow or buy from someone we know and trust. I’m sure many of you readers of Natural News have already come to this conclusion and are doing just that. I thought I could help my readers by providing the name of companies that are truly providing us with toxin free products would not be such an impossible task.

I do encourage you to get the very helpful app from EWG or use their online guide to be more informed about the products you use. You can get the EWG Skin Deep App here!

The Organically Clean Home: 150 Everyday Organic Cleaning Products You Can Make Yourself–The Natural, Chemical-Free Way

Be chemical free, be nice and don’t forget to share (this post with others!).

Free Tool: Take the Toxic Free Test
