Here is an excellent reminder of the importance of Magnesium and Hair Mineral Analysis Testing. This comes from the “Magnesium Man” himself and the author of the most referenced book on the subject, Dr. Rick Malter (Strands of Health: A Guide to Understanding Hair Mineral Analysis)
I was launched on my path towards becoming “Magnesium Man” 32 years ago when I was critically deficient in magnesium as shown by my first hair mineral analysis. Looking back now, with all that I have learned about the many vital functions of magnesium, I realize that I had a very close call. For many decades, research and clinical experience have shown that magnesium is vital for maintaining proper heart rhythm and preventing sudden fatal heart attacks.This vital mineral is nature’s anti-stress mineral because it regulates the reactions of the adrenal glands. Magnesium has a calming effect. It also helps in regulating blood sugar levels because it helps to regulate insulin. It is nature’s muscle relaxer.
It is estimated that at least 80 % of the population is magnesium deficient. That is probably a conservative estimate. I believe that 90 to 95 % of the population is probably magnesium deficient. Stress depletes magnesium. Many drugs and medications deplete magnesium including cardio-vascular medications. Many foods and beverages are fortified with calcium and vitamin D so that the vital calcium/magnesium balance is shifted far too much in the direction of excess calcium and not enough magnesium. Magnesium is an essential mineral that is vital for good health. Too much calcium undermines good health and leads to disease. I believe that excess calcium and not enough magnesium are major factors in the out of control health care costs that confront individuals, businesses, and governments.
What Dr Malter and other mineral balancing experts all agree on is it is better to test than to guess.
The balancing of minerals is a very complex process and not one to experiment on with sometimes dangerous results. We can waste a lot of money and not improve our health when we don’t know what our body actually needs.
Hair Mineral Analysis Testing
Receiving a report from a qualified lab for your hair analysis test can give your health care professional clues about the thyroid and adrenal gland’s functions, detect toxic metals, and shed light on crucial ratios of mineral pairs. The ideal situation is to only give the body the minerals, vitamins and supplements it needs to bring the body’s intricate systems into balance.
The body uses food to produce energy for use at the biochemical level, and because of a variety of factors, including stress, energy production is often compromised. Eighty percent of people tested with hair analysis resemble a car in sixth gear going 5 mph; they do not have good gas mileage and build up carbon in the wrong places. The other 20% are in first gear going 100 mph, are overheated and have different problems.
The body is electrical and its equipment will only activate and work when we have the ideal levels and ratios of minerals. This is similar to a dead car battery; the car can run and drive, but the user will not be able to listen to the radio, run the air conditioner, and so on, since the battery won’t hold a charge. The body works the same way. We have mineral electrolytes that are imbalanced, so the goal is to speed up an individual’s slow metabolism or slow down an individual’s fast metabolism. When this is accomplished, the body can optimize its energy and work more efficiently. (Eileen Durfee, NC an expert in HTMA at
If you would like to order your own Hair Mineral Analysis Test, CLICK HERE.