What are Essential Oils?
What are these essential oils you keep hearing about? Is there truth to the hype? You bet. As long as you source your oils from the right place…but we’re getting ahead of ourselves.
What’s an essential oil? They are the substance you smell when you hold a plant, and what you see when you scratch a tree or plant. They’re nature’s pure essence. It’s what you smell. They are typically steam-distilled.
By going “back” to essential oils, we’re returning to a pure, undiluted, chemical-free part of Nature that can support healthy bodies. Nature cannot be mimicked precisely, and the human body cannot fully process synthetics.
Where Should I Purchase Them?
Do you want to give essential oils a try? Everything in life comes down to quality. Take two carrots for example: One carrot is grown on an organic farm while another is sourced from a large field with depleted soils where toxic pesticides are used. Even though the carrots are both orange with green tops, their benefit to the body is drastically different.
The processes used to grow, harvest and distill plants and trees for the purpose of extracting essential oils is critical to the end product. Like the carrot example, even 100% pure essential oil from a non-controlled farm will not have the quality of 100% pure oil from a farm dedicated to quality from the original seed all the way to the final product.
In some regions, regulations are not strict, so it’s very important to know your source of oils. Many essential oil users who began with lesser quality oils noticed a huge difference when they switched to the good stuff. So where does the “good stuff” come from? We’re glad you asked.

There’s Only One Choice
Young Living oils are the finest out there because of Young Living’s Seed to Seal™ quality promise. From the seed that is sourced and planted, to the growing plant that is nourished, to the harvesting and distillation process used to extract the essential oils (without damaging them), Young Living is in complete control. They manage their own farms around the world.
Gary Young founded the company in the 90’s. At the time, Gary had already discovered the incredible power of essential oils, but because the quality of available oils varied so greatly, he’d been unable to fully harness their potential. Plus, he found that the chemically altered or adulterated oils on the market were often ineffective and sometimes even harmful.
Now Young Living is the de facto source for quality essential oils. We are Young Living Independent Distributors, and we encourage you to visit our Quality Essential Oils Wholesale page to find out how easy it is to create an account, and buy your own!